Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Makin' & Creatin'

In Advanced Ceramics at Lake Tahoe Community College - The assignment was "off the pedestal"  I decided I wanted to try a wall-hanging piece.

The monster guy will be dangling from a bunch of light bulbs that mimic a bunch of balloons. The light bulbs were press molded and the monster was hand built.                                  

Finished and Photographed!

Here's some detail shots of the lightbulbs - Ooooo, that luster!
...And that lichen Cone 04 glaze on that monster body!
Named him, "Captive Thoughts"


Thursday, May 29, 2014

the real cookie monster


Monster Vessel

He is a hollow vessel - His head comes off at the bow tie. I threw and manipulated two bowls and a cylinder for his body. I think he would be an awesome cookie jar...the real cookie monster

He's almost done!

Finally Finished and Photographed!
Low Fired to Cone 04
This photo shows his vessel components
I named him, "Celebrate The Oddities"